Life By Eva

Cultivating Joy

Mennonite | Faith & Fitness Blog

Beyond the Scale: My 50 Pound Weight Loss Journey

weight loss journey title poster

Why I Decided to Start My Weight-loss Journey.

I remember one day when I was 17 years old and saw a photo of a girl sitting on my bed, on my mom’s phone. I did not recognize who she was right away, but I took a closer look. It was me! I was shocked. It had been a difficult year and I knew that I had gone off the deep end with my eating habits. I ate to feel better, and food had become an addiction. In hindsight, I can see that I was burying my head in the sand, and it had repercussions. My mental and physical health was rapidly declining. I suffered from severe anxiety, and I had come to a turning point: Keep going down this destructive path, or change! So, I started my weight loss journey.

Starting My Diet and Exercise Journey with Minimal Knowledge

I knew that I no longer wanted to live the way I had been. Completely undisciplined, and my body was starting to feel like a prison. I had no real idea of where to start, so I with small, common-sense changes. The first thing I did was 10 minutes of exercise each day, and I cut out foods and drinks that I knew were not good for me. Simple as that. The beginning does not have to be crazy and elaborate. Small simple changes are all it takes.

Before I knew it, I was seeing massive changes on the scale. Yes, just with those few changes, because I was consistent, and I never turned back. My approach was simple, and I got results. Less junk food, more nutrients. I ate less fast food, more home-cooked meals. Less processed food, more protein. Less sugary drinks, more water.

I know that some reading this article might be looking for a secret formula of sorts, however the physical changes that lead to weight loss are simple. What is often not simple is the heart issues that cause a lack of discipline and some food addiction or eating disorders. The root issues often need to be addressed before you will be able to implement these changes in your life.

before and after weight loss
Progress photo I kept of my weight loss.

Behind The Scenes of My Weight Loss Journey

In the months when I started focusing on changing my diet and exercise habits, a more significant transformation was happening behind the scenes. The hands of God breaking down the Eva that once was, and reborn was this reborn daughter of Christ that I am today. Discipline is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and my habits and self-control were flowing from him. In hindsight, I can of course see so clearly how God was at work in my life. But in the moment, nothing felt clear or simple, it was one of the hardest years of my life. It was the year that I decided I was sick of myself, and I wanted to live for Jesus.

My anxiety was at an all-time high. Hence my addiction to food really surfaced and I used it as a coping mechanism. The only thing is you only feel better for a moment. I had dug myself into a deep dark hole, where I was tormented by my fears and failures. I knew that I needed Jesus. He pulled me out of that hole of self-pity and victimhood, and he gave me victory. I was never the same, and everything in my life, including my habits and desires changed. My weight loss journey was the result of this. A fruit of the real healing happening within.

How I Made Healthy Lifestyle Changes Sustainable for Life

In the first 6 months after making some serious lifestyle changes, I had lost just over 50 pounds! I almost couldn’t believe it myself when I stepped on the scale for the first time in months. I loved the way I felt, and I had truly begun to enjoy my workouts and gradually increased the duration and intensity. With my new love of fitness, I joined a gym and hopped on a professional workout program because I really didn’t know much. I watched YouTube videos and did a lot of research in my free time, and it has become a passion of mine, I see it as a tool that God gave me.

Throughout the years, I have learned a lot. I occasionally tried restricting some foods and cutting out others completely. Even intermittent fasting. However, I have found that all of that usually leads to a crash because it is not sustainable. Real sustainable life changes are slow and steady and require a lot of patience. You must approach it as building a lifelong lifestyle that you will love. Be consistent and disciplined with your meals and workouts, and you are guaranteed to see changes!

fitness journey photo before and after linked to fitness article
See this post for practical advice in starting your own fitness journey.

Hey there, I’m Eva! Welcome to my blog, where I unfold my profound journey of breaking free from a deeply entrenched Mennonite family and community. This space is dedicated to shedding light on concealed truths, facing the challenges of my upbringing, and sparking conversations about once-taboo subjects.